Lambs on the Ground

Support the Boise Farmers Market

Market customers, their families, and friends spent a breezy but sunny afternoon at the farm Sunday, April 16, watching lambs hop about, sampling flavors growing in the greenhouses, and listening to talks about our local food shed. We hosted Lambs on the Ground to raise funds to support the Boise Farmers Market  activities that educate consumers and children about healthy eating, make healthy food more affordable and accessible, and give farmers financial assistance. 

Attendees donated to the Treasure Valley Food Coalition, which is the non-profit arm of the market that promotes a vibrant local food economy and allows for charitable activities of the market. They are also working to find a permanent home for the market. 

Lamb Watching

Families gathered to watch lambs and mamma ewes lounge in the corral. During lambing season, it’s important to keep a close watch on the ewes so newborns that need help can be rescued.  

Nibbles is one such lamb that needed help this season. Tamara will bottle feed her for the next month until she’s ready to graze.  This speckle-faced little lamb wandered among the guests allowing some to pet but mostly looking for her next milk bottle, nibbling at clothing and hands.

Donations Support BFM Mission and Community Programs

After the lamb viewing, visitors ate a hearty meal of beans, cornbread, and of course, a special mix of greens from Purple Sage. They listened to talks by Farmer Tim Sommer, the new market director Amber Beierle, Market Volunteer Manager Deanna Smith, and Treasure Valley Food Coalition Board member and volunteer extraodinaire, Dave Krick and learned about the mission of the Boise Farmers Market to support a regenerative, healthy food system by operating a vibrant marketplace that features locally grown and crafted products. 

Donations through BFM partner Treasure Valley Food Coalition fund some amazing market programs:

The Mobile Market extends access to fresh, local food to all Boiseans. Vanna the Veggie Van makes 15-20 stops throughout Boise, bringing affordable fresh produce to families in food deserts and people with mobility issues preventing them from coming to the market. 

The Sprouts Kids Club teaches kids ages 5 to 12 about our local food system and the value of nutritional, sustainably-raised food for a lifetime of better health.

The new Fee Reduction Program helps new farmers and ranchers in their critical start-up phase by  reducing costs to bring their goods to market.

Green House Tour

A visit to Purple Sage Farms wouldn’t be complete without a walk down to the greenhouses to see and taste what’s growing. We love to introduce customers and friends to new flavors like the sour lemon taste of Sorrel or the peppery bite of Red Asian Mustard.

We are so thankful for our Boise Farmers Market customers who want the most nutritious and flavorful food possible.  We depend on the fact that you care about what you eat and the farmers that grow it and count on your support. Every dollar you spend on purchasing food from local growers makes a difference in ensuring their continued existence and ability to supply the foods you want.

Thanks for buying local food from local farmers and producers and thanks for your donations to the vital programs of the Boise Farmers Market.

Arlie Sommer